Lightworkers Journey
Cairo – El Fayoum desert – Abydos
October 27th – November 4th 2025
Beyond time and space
In February 2023 I was laying in the tomb of the great pyramid and I saw two large discs above me next to the white figures that came out of the walls. I knew I was going beyond time and space and certain timelines were brought back to the original state of being. Then I was gone, into a deep trance.
As I stepped out of the tomb, a young man who was praying thanked me for contributing to the return of Babylon. To him and to the man, who claimed he was ahead of his time, Akhnaton, I dedicate this journey and invite you to a Mystical Light Journey beyond time and space in connection with the higher dimensions.
Ancient memories and deep wisdom of your original state of being awaken
within you during this Lightworkers Journey from Cairo to Abydos.
Egypt will bring your soul back to a deep memory, a time when everything was still in the spiritual realm. When communication was telepathic and language was the language of the heart. You start to feel which forces represent the universe. Through the love within you, you will feel how you too are a pillar of Light. Priests and Priestesses in ancient Egypt were educated and trained to let the Light come to them as an independent pillar. And so they became independent pillars that together supported the roof of the Temple. In other words, they represented the archetypal forces that populated and had shaped the universe. By allowing those forces and knowledge to flow through them, they were able to serve the earth and its humanity. In each Temple we will feel and explore what the pillars want to tell us.
Your life experiences will help you to integrate all the experiences you will encouter in Egypt and its Egyptian Temples. Everything you see you will quietly take in. Your gifts and possibilities are rich and a lot, but you will also explore what really suits you in this stage of your life and you will let go of everything that doesn’t resonate with who you are now.
The Shining ones are radiant beings and are also called the followers of Horus. In 9703 BC, pieces of a comet hit the Earth and caused enormous chaos and a flood. Those who survived this flood are the followers of Horus and subsequently became the pharaohs. These pharaohs (half god/half human) always married an ordinary woman to preserve the bloodline. Among the last of this lineage of God’s people were Amenhotep lll, Akhnaton, and his son Tutankhamun.
The Shining ones were a highly developed breed. Humanoid but with one foot in the spiritual world. In order to maintain that level of connection with the mind but still be able to function in the physical world, they had large heads and heavy hips. They were dressed in white, just like the Essenes and everyone else who returned to Babylon.
Back to the Followers of Horus; they declared themselves PURE and practiced ritual baptism as the first level of initiation. They were an ancient Order of Priests who were actually living examples of Gods but they were God-people. In our present time, we are again asked to deeply remember who we really are. That we are people who are originally divine. We are invited to embody our Divinity again as a human and to live half God/half human, here on earth.
Thoth and the Sirian Masters
Judith Moore: Go deep into the source of your light, the mysticism and the power of force that are guiding this pilgrimage of light with the Sirian Masters and Isis & Thoth.
As I was once told by Judith Moore, I am, among other things, a Master from Sirius who incarnated on earth. This helps explain why for a long time the “divine” was more familiar to me than an earthly life. But these ‘two worlds’ (the divine and the earthly) have now come together for me in ‘the I am’. And I still work with the Masters of Sirius with enormous enthusiasm in the ascension team that is going to join us on our journey.
Our mission is to support each participant in her ascension process so that she can take steps in her spiritual development and Mastery from her own wisdom and strength. Through my study of Egyptian Shamanism, I enjoy working with the energies of the Gods and Goddesses of Egypt who show us the way to our divinity, wholeness and oneness.
Who will be joining us on this Lightworkers journey?
In cooperation with the cosmic ascension team, the exact Lightworkers, Shamans and Way-showers who feel called and a need for carrying out the mission will show up. Are you called? Often, a few days before the trip or at the beginning of the trip, it really becomes clear what the mission entails for this particular Lightworkers group.
How does it work?
During the journey, the Lightwork we do arises on the spot, in the present moment. The people who are allowed to work together are there. Sometimes it’s some of the group and sometimes it’s the whole group. Specific lightworkers will always come together, who have something to do together. In doing so, we follow our own deep impulses. Sometimes you are a spaceholder for the group and other times you are ‘in the lead’. There is no hierarchy in the group, we give and bring in, in constant exchange with each other, the energy and the Temples.
Light Codes
As a result, wondrous and powerful activations and transmutations of light codes and key codes with multidimensional transparent light vibrations take place. The light codes raise our frequency in our cells with the highest vibrations and this is amplified by the energy of the Temples that assist us in the ‘alignment’ of our light force.
Key codes
The key-codes are about retrieving knowledge. Ancient knowledge that is now being ‘found’ again in various sacred sites around the world, including the Temples of Egypt. These key-codes, this ancient knowledge, brings us back into contact with forgotten powers and wisdom within ourselves and around us.
By working together with multiple lightworkers, we strengthen the codes. Each of us personally receives the “latest” geometric codes that raise your consciousness, deep wisdom, vibrational level and allow for full awakening.
Sun Codes
The Sun Codes are deeply connected to Egypt, Akhenaten, and, of course, the Sun and the Egyptian sun god Ra. These codes bring joy, harmony, unity, and so much more. Come and experience it for yourself…
By working together with multiple lightworkers, we strengthen our light (vertical power) and our energy (horizontal power). Each of us receives the latest cosmic and geometric codes, awakening our consciousness, deep wisdom, and original, natural state of being—making full awakening possible.
Additional information
Activating your light codes contribute to the enlightenment of your divine spiritual being. This is done through transmutations during the energetic light work with the Masters of Sirius in the Egyptian Temples. Once the transparent light codes are activated, they posses the new light codes from Sirius with a high unit frequency and then connect to the sound systems that are in the portals from Sirius.
By sounding/showing as a group, we integrate these codes into the cells of our body. Because we do this Light Work in the Temples, new light and key codes are also released in the Temples and when other people visit the temple after us, they pick up these light codes. This is how we raise the vibration in the Temples and also work for the greater good.
This way of working together as a Light Team gives you a very profound experience and boost in your spiritual development.
Do you feel a desire to join as a member of the Lightworkers team? Then respond to your call. Let’s shape the new world together. This is important Lightwork for yourself, the collective and the building of the time to come for our kids.