Blessings and Welcome on this page
In this life my name is Anne Marie Asbreuk
I AM an Ascension Guide and Divine Channel and I co-create with my lovely team of natural spirits. As a team we are in service to the organic crystalline transformation of Humanity and the New Golden Earth. We help people by travelling to their origin of Being so we can build a ‘New World’ together in balance, peace and love. If your intention is to experience your blueprint or the Divinty within and allow it to transform your life, I can assist. My services provide transformative travel tours, group circles (online and live) and ceremony & initiation work. All to support you to discover and embody your True and Divine Self with ease and grace.
You don’t have to walk this path alone.
Ascension is a challenging natural process.
Let us journey together in the unified frequency of unconditional love and with FUN.
Travel with me to the origin of BEING.
Who is Anne (Holy Fire)?
Anne travels all over the world, just as many High Priestesses such as Mary Magdalene and Isis used to do to share with everyone the ‘Ancient Wisdom’ taught in the Mystery schools, to open hearts and to reawaken, activate and anchor the Divine Oneness consciousness in people. In this way, anyone who wishes to do so can take the liberating step towards an authentic and fulfilling life.
Old family members from Sirius
As a Shaman and Priestess of the ‘Order of the White Rose’, the female branch of the Great White Brotherhood, to which Mary Magdalene and Isis also belong, she helps ‘conscious’ people, during their Self-realization process, to go through their deepest fears into unconditional love and to their true authentic self. She tries to bring everyone into contact with the path of unconditional love and invites women and men to distance themselves more from their personality / unnatural identity and move towards a passionate life as an ‘authentic self’ who lives from the Sacred Heart, highest truth and inner wisdom in harmony and love.
Anne has been in conversation with Mother Mary (also a member of The Order of The White Rose) and Jesus since her childhood and was, without being aware of it, clairvoyant and clairaudient. Furthermore, she was always telling her family and friends that life was really meant to be different from what she saw around her. Her father, formerly a Cathar, understood her and lived “the path of love” in silence. He was a teacher, just like Jesus and like his daughter. When her father died, they taught together for years; he (the Father) and Jesus from the spiritual world and Anne here on earth. But….. which Father are we talking about here? Anne has a direct connection to the Father, the Sun or call it Source.
In Peru they call Anne ‘The teacher of the Heart’ and Fuego Sagrada, or the lighter of ‘the Holy Fire’ in everyone she meets.
Her spiritual team calls her “Pearl,” because of the gentle and pure divine energy that brings peace and enlightenment. White Eagle (a member of the Great White Brotherhood), came through once, through Jonette Crowley, to remind Anne that she had come to Earth as a Wisdom Keeper and should never forget it.