Don Hernan Personal Mentorship

Good morning brothers and sisters in light. All of you are invited to participate in these mentorship sessions that we are organizing with the help of our sister Anne, and will be performed with me, Hernan, and with the interpretation of my daughter, Milagros.
If you feel the call, if you feel curiosity about this wisdom, listen to the signs of the universe, maybe it’s time to acknowledge part of this wisdom. We will teach you, the same way our ancestors did with us and you’ll learn from the basics. What is Mesa? How to form one, step by step, the meaning of each piece of it.
We look forward to working with you, I hope that the light of the cosmos is always lighting your path.
With lots of love

Don Hernan start in het voorjaar van 2025 weer met een persoonlijke mentorship voor nieuwe en al bestaande studenten.

Het Mentorship bestaat uit 3 sessies,

De data zijn 12 en 26 januari en 9 februari 2025

We beginnen de Zoom sessies om 13.00 CET

Investering 395 euro


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