This journey is still in the makings… But it is going to be a party for everyone who has a connection with Mary Magdalene!


Last year I was at the Mary Magdalene days in Glastonbury. Now Glastonbury with her magical energy is always making me very happy but this time it was extra special because a lot of Mary Magdalene familiars and soul-sisters all over the world were in Glastonbury. It was very special to me to see how many Magdalenes are working with the light within and bringing back the world. To experience and shine with our godliness. And shine more powerful than ever!I saw beautiful embodied power women stroll through the streets. WOW. My heart made a happy jump. I felt so many connections for the people in the world. We are doing it togetherv We are changing the world!!! I couldn’t be happier. I have talked for years about how love is our biggest power and now I have been able to witness this. With a lot of respect I honor all women who were brave enough to follow their soulpath. Lets enjoy where we stand  and celebrate our Mary Magdalene within us during these Mary Magdalene holidays in Glastonbury.

I award you the experience of sisterhood &hope. I also decided after years,to organize a journey back to Glastobury. this time in the shape of a Mary Magdalene Retreat for everyone with a connection to Mary Magdalene. we are going during these fantastic days of her name and I already have found a cute home for us in the centre of the village, where we as Magdalenes can be together and celebrate.

The Mary Magdalene Retreat is for women form all over the world who want to feel life in light and unconditional love, embody and celebrate. Let’s have FUN and let’s come together in freedom and light and enjoy,which is life’s purpose.

And…..Everything is aloud to be, especially you!

Almost everything. You are free to do whatever you want or desire, but we have a few rules:

Be authentic
Own your own story (stories)
Sharing your truth
Be helpful in service &

you can join us to powerspots in Glastonbury’s richest….. the Tor, Chalice Well, de Mary Magdalene kerk, The Abbey, The Goddess Temple, Wearyall Hill, The White Spring en naar Avebury en Stonehenge, de Michael & Mary ley lines, the dragon eggs, ect.

Glastonbury also has cozy shops and vegan restaurants. Leonie Allemann lives near Glastonbury and shall show us the best spots and locations there. Together we can organise this little party!


The deep souldesire to give life to your godess ( Godliness ), let people travel to old shrines and powerspots. Just when we enter vortexes, portals and other cleansed places, that reflect the old ways of Initiation, we feel the energetic support of the connections between heaven and earth.


Ook al is de reis nog niet helemaal klaar, je kunt je al inschrijven voor deze Maria Magdalena Retraite in de maak. Zo gauw er meer informatie is, stuur ik je die dan op. Ik heb er nu al zin in. Jij ook?

Prijs voor deze reis is 1.595 euro
Ontbijt, lunch en diner
Accommodatie: een typisch Glastonbury Villa
Twee of drie persoonskamer
Vervoer naar de krachtplekken Avebury en Stonehenge
Alchemistisch Lichtwerk in de steencirkels
Energetische lichtwerk of meditatie op de krachtplekken
Goddess ritueel in de White Spring door Leonie Alleman
Initiatie in Chalice Well door Anne Asbreuk

Je hebt zelf je vliegticket naar Bristol te boeken
en je vervoer naar Glastonbury te regelen
We delen de kosten van het Prive bezoek aan Stonehenge

We vliegen met Easyjet, vluchtgegevens volgen.

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